
I started 30THIRTY because I could never find a T-shirt that I want to wear…either the print/graphics didn’t appeal to me or, if they do, the shirt doesn’t fit right.  I like soft, comfortable T-shirts with great graphics that last more than a few washes. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes the “I’ve had this shirt for 10 years” look is great, especially if you’ve actually had that shirt for…10 years.  So, I did the research, I bought the shirts, I wore them, I washed them, wore them again, washed them again…you get the point.  The result is super soft shirts with great graphics that last a long time!

All of the designs you see here have been drawn by me; sometimes a friend will give me an idea and we create it together, but most of the time I illustrate the things I want on a shirt. I’m a Christian so you’ll find Jesus/Christian themed shirts. I like sports, so you’ll find some of those. I take inspiration from the places I’ve lived, so you’ll find some city themed gear floating around.  Finally, I was told I have to make shirts for women, so I make those too (thanks, dear). 

I want you to still be wearing these shirts 100+ washes from now, but before that happens...you gotta buy something, then you gotta tell your friends, finally follow 30THIRTY on the social medias (Twitter/X and Instagram). 

Seriously, GO, buy something. Quit wasting time.

The name

The name 30THIRTY was inspired by Jesus and when He started his ministry...at the age of 30.  Rabbis were allowed to begin their individual ministry and teaching at that age, and yes, Jesus was a Rabbi.  So there you have it...the who, what, when, why and how...pretty cool, huh?


I give 10% of everything I make to various charities.

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